Many people feel that any charge card payment processing system will last their business. Others are so daunted with the technology they keep from accepting charge card payments altogether. But smart businesspeople have a balanced approach; they educate themselves in regards to the different types of merchant processing systems and examine each option closely to see which one is the most effective fit for their business.
Real-time Internet Processing
This method is suitable for both Internet-based companies and those that receive payments remotely. Whenever a customer is able to pay, the cardboard number and expiration date are typed into a website (either from the customer or proprietor, based on the kind of business). The authentication process takes only seconds, and also the money appears in the business's account a short time later. This option is perfect for web-based companies, and also those that conduct a top level of transactions each day. Cost: approximately $200.
Point-of-Sale Software
This method is acceptable for companies that receive payments via phone, fax, regular mail, or e-mail. This method boasts a business's computer, phone lines, and modem that can process plastic card transactions in seconds of the information being entered. The real difference between point-of-software and real-time processing is a POS system acts as a personalized processing service, with database and accounting features that facilitate the balancing of company books. Cost: $150 to $800.
Swipe Terminal
This method is made for a traditional retailer, the location where the most of the clients are conducted face-to-face with customers. Charge cards are swiped by having a machine from the cashier or customer, as well as the cardholder is authenticated within seconds. This is the most common bank card payment solution. Cost: $200 to $1,000 for equipment.
Wireless Processing
This method is perfect for providers who accept payment with a customer's location instead of on the company's base of operations (for example plumbers and electricians). Bank card information might be swiped via a virtual terminal that's that come with an invisible device, laptop, or stand-alone portable terminal. The transaction is authenticated on-site instead of recording bank card information for processing at a later date. Cost: $135 or more, based on the specific equipment.
Interactive Voice Response Systems
This process is most effective for mobile providers that accept payments on location, community . can be used by just about any kind of business. Unlike wireless processing, IVR uses existing touch-tone technology to process charge card transactions. The buyer or employee enters the credit card information right into a cellular phone or similar wireless device, along with the transaction is authenticated shortly thereafter. Cost: $29 to $500 for account setup, plus additional monthly fees.
Third Party Processors
Using this method works extremely well with any sort of business, but is usually selected by those with relatively few transactions or by companies located away from U . s .. Utilizing a selection of different systems, alternative party processors handle all credit card-related services for any business. But alternatively or transaction fees and monthly statements, these lenders simply take a cut of a company's revenue. Cost: between 3 and Fifteen percent of revenue.
After determining which method will work great for its needs, a firm must choose a vendor. Consider the following factors when picking a merchant services provider:
Rates and fees: Find out the basic costs of the arrangement and determine if any other fees could be triggered based on circumstances (including chargebacks, not meeting monthly minimums, etc.). It's also fundamental to have the entire rate and fee structure in writing.
Funds availability: Under most circumstances, the lag time between customer payment and account depositing is not any more than three business days.
Affiliations: In the event the merchant credit card accounts provider is affiliated with Visa, Master Card, or American Express, it can be one indication that the firm is stable.
Bank names: It is wise to question which banks the processing business is affiliated with, where they are located, and if they are FDIC-insured.
Support: If your problem should arise, a processor should be able to provide assistance any moment of day on a daily basis each week ?a and a business owner ought not hesitate to try the support hotline or website.
Organization membership: Membership in organizations like the Better Business Bureau and the Electronic Transactions Association may speak well from the provider's persistence for fairness and ethics. But the company may also need to look into the records of such organizations to see if you will find any complaints or conditions that have been raised regarding the provider.
Compatibility: Evaluate if a merchant service provider's technology and software is compatible with whatever payment processing infrastructure the business currently has in place. Should there be incompatible systems, efficiency and affordability could be compromised.
Stability: A fantastic credit card processing system will perform a company little good if the merchant credit card accounts provider fades of business. Like all other vendor or supplier, a firm must search around about the firm that is to be handling its charge card transactions.