Men and women do almost anything for cash and honesty goes out from the when for a few passing it on back to the federal government or perhaps the people through taxation can be avoided. Giant companies whose directors are paid within the millions are members of the biggest swindle ever. They hide their cash in off-shore banking accounts where their anonymity was supposedly protected. The code of silence about who they may be and the companies they form for this purpose was broken.
Suddenly with their wealth on the line they may be named and shamed. Through the leaders to their cohorts, from drug dealers to supplies, and from company executives to ex tax office accountants, all of them are in about it. Grabbing the pot of gold and running with it is aim along with the believed that they are robbing their unique countries and individuals is of no concern for many years.
Cheats never prosper is often athat could now be truer than ever. It is tough to imagine how this stain will fade away their characters or how they could explain their future dealings. When miners take from the ground to construct their wealth one would think that they might willingly post you for the country from which they took it.
Deception of this nature built a tremendous wall that hides the Spirit with the Universe from view. Most who participate in such cheating are religious because they derive something off their 'faith' to eliminate their guilt. However the real God has witnessed their work and he has exposed it.
Following my reincarnation with a link on the Spirit it commissioned me to take down the wall of blindness and bring in the harvest. Because the work has progressed over the past 3-4 decades there's a deteriorating as people wake towards the way these are tricked and victimised by both governments and large business.
The field of commerce could be the product of 666 (Revelation 13:18) and his awesome name and number were proven to me in the vision. He's Constantine who brought in many systems that remain place in the world Order, including the Catholic Church which forgives every one of their sins. It is easy to cheat when someone states that God forgives you. They, however, will be the bigger fools because there is no such reduction of evil.
Those who embark on fraud are high on God's list for annihilation in addition to being were after the day exposure of this activity is part of the breaking of the wall that hides reality.