How can you be sure that you make the right decision when it comes to buying a home warranty? The following Choice Home Warranty review has answers to most of your questions. It is based on meticulous research of the company and real client feedback.
Parameter Score Explanation
Coverage 95 Choice Home Warranty offers coverage for most home systems and electric appliances. Additional coverage for pools, spas, lawn sprinklers, and other household items is available.
Policy 95 Compared to other companies, it was much easier to find and understand this company's terms and conditions. All prices and time limits are stated clearly.
Plan variety 95 There are three coverage plans: Bronze care for appliances, Gold Care for systems,and Platinum Care for everything. Additional items can be included to any plan under Optional Coverage.
Cost 95 The pricing starts with $34 per month for the basic plan, which is within the industry's average. Optional coverage pricing per item is specifically tailored to the home appliances you own. Service call fees apply.
Reviews 90 There are almost 10 000 Choice Home Warranty reviews available on 12 consumer report sites. Ratings range from 1 to 5. BBB rating is B-, which is comparable to the ratings of the industry leaders
Credibility 90 With more than 10 years on the home warranty market, the company has established a solid reputation and good credibility.
Rating:Great! Call (800) 246-7176 Visit Website
Company Credibility Review
The first question that you probably ask yourself before signing a contract with any home warranty company is whether the company is credible. One of the first indicators of the company’s credibility is its age, or how long the company has been on the market. Choice Home Warranty was founded in 2005 and quickly became popular among homeowners.Another indicator of the company’s credibility is how easy it is to reach. The main corporate office of Choice Home Warranty is located in Edison, NJ, and can be reached 24-hours a day, seven days a week, by toll-free phone at 888-531-5403 or by the contact form on the website.Viktor Hakim is the company’s Chief Executive Officer. In case you have any issues or concerns that cannot be resolved by the customer service representatives, you may reach him by mail at 1090 King Georges Post Road, Edison, New Jersey. You may also use the contact form on the company’s website.
Ownership -
East. 2005
CEO Mr. Viktor Hakim
Registered in Edison, New Jersey, USA
Available for states All
Mailing Address 1090 King Georges Post Road
How to approach Contact Now
BBB Accreditation A
Chamber of Business Choice Home Warranty is listed by the chamber of business and the FTC
Section Rating: Great!
Choice Home Warranty Company Reviews by Clients
Is it important to know what other people are saying about this product before you decide to buy? If so, you will find the information in this section very useful. We have collected Choice Home Warranty reviews from 12 consumer report sites, including Yelp, Consumer Affairs, and The full list of sites are in the table below. All of the feedback is summarized and linked to the original source. Overall, we found more than 9000 reviews, with more than 8.5 thousand published on the Consumer Affairs website alone. On this reputable site, Choice Home Warranty’s rating reached the maximum 5 out of 5 stars. Ratings on other sites range from 1.1 stars based on 93 reviews on, to 4 stars based on 419 reviews on the Consumers Advocate website. Choice Home Warranty’s BBB rating is B-.Among negative reviews, there were many left by customers who did not read the contract properly or violated the terms and conditions. For example, a client that signed as eleanir m, wrote the following feedback on the Consumers Advocate site::
first I called for septic pumping I asked them to make sure it covered having our septic pumped once a year. the person said let me check for you. I was told yes. the first company they said to call told me no. then they set me up with a second company they said no. after waiting two weeks I spoke to warranty agent she said they don't cover pumping you would have to have a problem so if they had came out they would not cover it .then we smelled gas and had no hot water. the company they set us up with we had to waite a week for them to come out. today the mechanic came said we needed a new hot water , I called the warranty company to make sure it would done they told me it was not covered that it was a pre condition I was so upset because we were told it would go into effect after 3o days. but because it was only two weeks from being covered they said no. so because we only the coverage for two weeks they said it was a pre condition. this was a very health hazard and smelling gas was very dangerous.. people be ware of this company they will tell you anything. the sales person also told me they handle emergency that is not true when you call as you can see with us smelling gas. and they want you to pay for the service call.-------eleanir m
As we can see, the customer’s contract had not even started yet, but they were quick to post a negative review. It is regular practice for home warranty companies to start honoring contracts 30 days after signing, and a service call fee is standard in the industry. Every single home warranty company charge is per every broken item or home system.On a positive note, Jeannette G from Hampstead, North Carolina had a very good experience with Choice Home Warranty. She was happy to share her experience with the readers:
I called Choice because my air conditioner wasn't cooling property and they immediately created my claim and a technician was assigned within 10 minutes. The process is so simple and fast. The technician was knowledgeable and friendly and had 31 years of experience in the AC business. He repaired my system with no trouble. I liked the technician so much that I decided to use his company to service my system in the future.
Jeannette G from Hampstead, North Carolina
We hope that your experience with Choice Home Warranty will be as good as Jeannette’s was.
Website Numbers of reviews Avg Score (out of 5)
My 3 Cents 93 1
Yelp 177 1.1
Complaints Board 482 n/a
Ripoff Report 182 n/a
OutScam 38 1
Consumer Affairs 8280 5
Pissed Consumer 8 n/a
Complaints List 13 n/a
Home Warranty Company Reviews 5 1
Site Jabber 8 1
Money Saving Pro 2 1
Consumers Advocate 265 2.87
You probably know how perplexing the small print in policy terms and conditions may be. This is why we read it for you and organize all of the information conveniently to help you make the right decision about purchasing coverage from Choice Home Warranty. In the table below, there is detailed information on each component that can be covered by the contract.Air ConditioningFor Air Conditioning, the contract covers all components and parts for no more than two systems of the ducted electric central and wall units and does not cover any non-ducted or window units. The ducted units should not exceed a 5-ton capacity and be designed for residential use only.Heating SystemFor heating systems, Choice Home Warranty covers all components and parts necessary for the operation of the heating system except heat pumps and any underground piping. Radiators, fireplaces, grills, heat lamps, pellet or wood stoves, and other similar sources of heating are not considered heating systems and will not be covered. CHW will not pay more than $1,500 per covered item per contract term for any repairs or replacements.Plumbing SystemThe plumbing system usually requires repairs more often than the other home systems. Here is what is covered by the Choice Home Warranty plan in this case: leaks and breaks (except those caused by freezing or roots), toilet tanks, bowls and mechanisms, valves, sump pumps, whirlpool motors, and clogs in the sewer lines up to 100 feet up to a $500 limit. That includes access, diagnostics, and repair. A long list of what is not covered is in the table below.Septic SystemAs for the septic system, the contract may cover the septic tank and line coming from the house, sewage ejector pump, jet and aerobic pumps, but not the lines from the house, tile fields, or cleaning. The maximum limit spent on this system may not exceed $500 for access, diagnostics, and repair or replacement.Electrical SystemThe electrical system is also covered up to a $500 limit. The coverage includes most components and parts, including built-in bathroom exhaust fans. Garage doors are not included in the system coverage but may be included separately in the contract.Home AppliancesMost components and parts will be covered for the home appliances, including clothes washer and dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, ceiling and exhaust fans, oven/range/stove, cooktop, and built-in microwave. Optional coverage is available for the pool, up to two spas, central vacuum, freezer, second refrigerator, and other appliances and systems.
Plans and Costs
You surely realize that choosing a home warranty plan is a crucial element that cannot be taken lightly as it affects how much you pay each month and what you have covered. So please read the information that we have collected for you below very carefully before you make the final decision about which plan to choose.Unlike other companies, like American Home Guard or Select Home Warranty, that offer separate plans for home systems and appliances, all Choice Home Warranty plans are combined.First, there is a Total Plan that covers heating, plumbing, and electrical systems, ductwork, most appliances, garage door opener, and whirlpool bathtub. This plan will work the best if you want to get maximum coverage for your home.Second, there is the Basic Plan that includes not only heating, plumbing, and electrical systems, but also some appliances, such as oven, built-in microwave, and dishwasher.Refrigerator, clothes washer or dryer are not included in this plan, but garage door opener and whirlpool bathtub are still included. This plan will work for you if you have recently replaced some of your major home appliances with newer models, and they are still covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.You can always add more items to your plan from the Optional Coverage plan that includes additional home appliances, such as the second refrigerator or stand-alone freezer, as well as spa, central vacuum, well pump, sump pump or septic system. All these items can be added to any of the plans mentioned above for an additional fee.Choice Home Warranty plans are available to customers in all 50 states and Washington DC. Just click the green ‘Get Free Quote’ button or give them a call at 800-246-7176.Choice Home Warranty coverage starts 30 days after the contract has been signed and all of the applicable fees have been received, and continues for 365 days after that date. Once you request service, an authorized Choice Home Coverage vendor will contact you within two days during normal business hours or within four days if on weekends and holidays. A service call fee per item will apply.
Plans Cost Best For
Plan 1: Total plan
Includes: Clothes Dryer, Clothes Washer, Refrigerator, Air Conditioning System, Heating System, Water Heater, Electrical System, Plumbing System, Plumbing Stoppage, Oven/Range/Stove, Built-in Microwave, Cooktop, Dishwasher, Garbage Disposal, Ceiling & Exhaust Fans, Ductwork, Garage Door Opener, Whirpool Bathtub
$450 (13 Months) if you choose single payment
$40 / month if you choose monthly payment
$60 per service call
For those homeowners who would like to keep peace of mind by purchasing home warranty for the most essential home systems and appliances, this plan would be the best.
Plan 2: Basic plan
Heating System, Water Heater, Electrical System, Plumbing System, Plumbing Stoppage, Oven/Range/Stove, Built-in Microwave, Cooktop, Dishwasher, Garbage Disposal, Ceiling & Exhaust Fans, Ductwork, Garage Door Opener, Whirpool Bathtub
$378 (13 Months) if you choose single payment
$34 / month if you choose monthly payment
$60 per service call
This plan is good to start with if you are a new homeowner. Later you may switch to the Total plan or add itmes form the Optional Coverage list.
Optional coverage
Pool / Spa: $160
Additional Spa: $160
Central Vacuum: $30
Well Pump: $80
Sump Pump: $30
Limited Roof Leak: $60
Stand Alone Freezer: $35
Second Refrigerator: $35
Septic System: $100
Septic Tank Pumping: $65
If you have already purchased a home warranty plan but it does not include any of the items listed here, you can always add them later.
Section Rating: Great!
Policy and User-Friendliness
All of the information about Choice Home Warranty plans, policies, terms, and conditions was clearly stated and easy to find. For your convenience, we have created a guide that will help you browse through the company’s website in order to find any specific piece of information. For example, to find information on CHW plans, go to their homepage and click on the ‘What’s Covered’ tab.Are you looking for service call fees, policy information on what is covered and not covered, and dollar limits? Go to the homepage, then to the ‘Homeowners section,' and then click on the ‘User Agreement’ link.Compared to other home warranty companies, like Advanced Home Warranty, for example, all of the information that we used for this review was relatively easy to recover and summarize.Choice Home Warranty terms and conditions are clearly stated. All the service fees, cancellation policy, and excluded items are well described. Please note that contract renewal is automatic until canceled, and this is a regular practice on the home warranty market.
Info How to find
Plans Home Page -->Whats Covered
Prices Home ---> Get a quote
Service Fees Home ---> Homeowners --> User agreement
Policy Home ---> Homeowners --> User agreement
What is covered Home ---> Homeowners --> User agreement
What is not covered Home ---> Homeowners --> User agreement
Dollar limits Home ---> Homeowners --> User agreement
Term Tricky?
Services fee No
Exluded items No
Cancellation No
Renewal Automatic if not cancelled
Pre inspection Not clear
Waiting time 48 hours to get a call, not to get service
Section Rating: Great!
Choice Home Warranty has been on the market for more than 10 years now, enough time to build a good reputation. The company operates nationwide, providing services to the customers in all 50 states and District of Columbia.Once the contract has been signed, CHW begins honoring it 30 days later and for 12 months after. There are several coverage plans that the consumer can select according to their needs and optional coverage for certain items is also available.The new agreement is very easy to initiate online, by phone at 800-246-7176, or by fax. All of the plan fees can be paid in one sum or monthly installments. There is a fee for every service call. Please keep in mind that the contract will be renewed automatically until you decide to cancel the service.Customer ratings for Choice Home Warranty collected on 12 different consumer report sites ranged from 1.1 to 5 out of 5 stars. The unhappy customer’s complaints were due to the fine print in the contract that they failed to read. Other customers were very happy with the company’s customer service, professionalism of the contractors, and fast response times. We hope your experience with Choice Home Warranty will exceed your expectations.