Getting fiber in your body is extremely important it may help prevent constipation and manage our weight. It may also help prevent some diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, heart diseases and some cancers.
The recommended amount of fiber needed per day is 25 to 38 grams. Most of the people eat less than 15 grams a day. The institute of drugs recommends men under 50 you can eat 38 grams and females 25 grams. Adults 50 plus, men 30 grams and some women 21 grams of fiber.
There's two varieties of fibers, soluble and insoluble and both of them are helpful to you. Insoluble helps the intestines and colon function properly, by hydrating and helping waste move through your intestine, which keeps you regular and much less constipated.
Dietary fiber digest slowly so helping reduce cholesterol and helps to keep the blood glucose levels stable. Both insoluble and dietary fiber are essential and quite a few foods fiber rich have both.
Not enough fiber in what you eat could cause:
Constipation; getting hard stools. fiber helps soften your stool and help moves waste along.
Diabetes; fiber helps regulated unstable blood sugar
Weight Gain; foods an excellent source of fiber can help you stay full longer, which prevents you from consuming more food.
Cardiovascular diseases; this may cause high cholesterol levels and heart diseases. Fiber content that's found in oats, beans and fruits and vegetables helps.
Hemorrhoids; hemorrhoids are inflamed veins close your anus and develop from pushing hard stools. Food consumption full of fiber can solve the problem.
Adding fiber to your diet might be easy as 123, allow me to share simple ways that you can it in what you eat.
1. Flax meal; these come in different colors, tan, brown and golden, these are a useful source of omega 3- fat and fiber.
2. Chia seeds; one ounce of chia seeds has 11 grams of fiber, it is also filled with antioxidants, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
3. Hemp seeds; they are good method to obtain both soluble and insoluble fiber and also have a lot more benefits, they're good supply of healthy fats and protein
4. Cereals; Ezekiel4:9 sprouted wholemeal cereal, golden flax, Cheerios, Kashi whole grain products, General mills fiber one etc
Other ways to provide fiber in your diet:
The simplest way to get your fiber is by foods, fruits, and vegetables. Here are food that are loaded with fiber.
1. Oats; is one of the easiest ways to feature fiber in your daily diet
2. Fruits; berries, avocado, pears, bananas, apples, oranges, papaya etc
3. Vegetables(cooked); kales, peas, green beans, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, yams etc
4. Beans and Legumes (cooked); soya beans, lentils, pinto beans, kidney beans etc.